activL® Artificial Disc

What is the activL Artificial Disc?

The activL Artificial Disc consists of two endplates made of a mix of metals commonly used in spine surgery (cobalt-chromium metal alloy with a titanium coating) and a plastic (polyethylene) insert that fits between the two endplates. The plastic insert is flat on the bottom and round on the top and is designed to move as you move during daily activities.

The two endplates are held to the top and bottom surfaces of the involved vertebrae (the bones of the spine), and the plastic insert fits between them.

The activL Artificial Disc is designed to allow motion at the treated level of the spine as the plastic insert can move front to back within the metal endplates but not side to side; however, not all patients will achieve motion after treatment with the activL Artificial Disc.

The activL Artificial Disc is available in different sizes to fit different patients.

activL Artificial Disc

Lumbar Spine Resources for Patients and Caregivers