As of September 30, 2024, Aesculap Implant Systems (AIS) will no longer market and distribute products from the Spine portfolio in the United States. Strategic external partnership options for the spine product portfolio, including our unique activL technology, are actively being explored to continue to bring this technology to patients and clinicians after September 30, 2024.
Please contact your AIS sales representative with further questions.
Fixation you can feel. Flexibility you need. Safety you can trust.
The ENNOVATE Spinal System combines best-in-class biomechanical performance and intraoperative flexibility for correction maneuvers with safety you can trust.
- PentaCore Technology provides improved anchorage in both cortical and cancellous bone with demonstrated superior pullout strength*
- PolyLock Technology converts a polyaxial screw into a temporary monoaxial-behaving screw at any time during the procedure, providing flexibility to perform parallel compression, parallel distraction and derotation maneuvers.
- Sterile packaging and aseptic presentation provides improved patient safety and reduced incidence of surgical site infection*
*Data on file, Aesculap